We know that parent and family engagement matters – 50 years of research evidence tells us that when parents and families engage in their children’s learning we see positive impacts on student achievement and wellbeing outcomes. However, there is still a gap in how this translates to effective practice in schools and school communities. So then, what works? And, how?

ARACY has developed this guide to assist school leaders and educators to better engage with the parents and families in their school communities – the key ‘stakeholders’ working together to support children’s learning and wellbeing outcomes. We look forward to supporting your parent and family partnerships.

This guide represents the practical culmination of a four-year project funded by the Australian Government Department of Education. In 2014, ARACY was commissioned to undertake a research project into parent (and family) engagement in learning.

The Project aimed to build the profile of parent and family engagement in Australian schools, to explore options for consistent approaches to measuring the effects of parent and family engagement on student educational outcomes, and to build and share evidence about what works to encourage good practice.