The Vaping National Education Roundtable Report

On 23 May 2023 ARACY hosted a virtual roundtable, facilitated by the South Australian Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly. This education roundtable aimed to further discuss what young people have shared in recent research and explore practical strategies to support young people across schools and communities.   A wide range of organisations and […]

Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index

UNICEF Australia and ARACY are working to understand what it takes to make Australia an even better place for children to grow up in. Together in 2021 they developed the Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index to provide a picture of how children are faring across all aspects of wellbeing and how that is changing over time. The wellbeing of Australia’s children […]

The Parent Engagement Implementation Guide

We know that parent and family engagement matters – 50 years of research evidence tells us that when parents and families engage in their children’s learning we see positive impacts on student achievement and wellbeing outcomes. However, there is still a gap in how this translates to effective practice in schools and school communities. So […]