About Us

Our Values


ARACY is a connecting organisation.

We build genuine partnerships and acknowledge that true collaboration involves giving something up for the greater good.

We work for systems change and collective impact.


ARACY believes that every child and young person is entitled to a good life and the opportunity to thrive.

We are committed to helping build a society that:

  • understands and respects fairness and equity
  • values children not only as future adult contributors but for their own place and voice in society
  • targets support to the needs of the least advantaged.


ARACY is an inclusive organisation working towards greater social inclusion.

We value the breadth and depth of all people and ideas regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, political affiliation, gender, sexuality or other characteristics.


ARACY is an independent, non-partisan organisation.

We only advocate for the interests of children and young people.

We present the evidence even when it challenges common understanding.

We manage the resources available to us honestly and responsibly.


ARACY respectfully engages with and advocates for all children and young people, as well as their families and communities.

ARACY respects the knowledge, practices, and cultures of First Nations peoples. Their unique perspectives inspire innovative solutions, helping all Australian children thrive.

We listen to children and young people, involve them in solutions, and act on what they say.

Every position we take must be grounded in what children and young people have said when asked about the issue.

When we say ‘thriving’ and ‘a good life’, we mean living a life of value as defined by children and young people.

We respect and prioritise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ wisdom, actively amplifying First Nations leaders’ voices and solutions to enhance the wellbeing and health of their children.


Looking for more?

Search through our extensive Resource Library including Research papers, Submissions, Reports and much more.