Work by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) reinforces the importance of culture and identity to the wellbeing of young Australians and offers guidance on how these can be better measured and managed.
In 2013 ARACY developed an evidence-based wellbeing framework for children and young people called The Nest. Developed in consultation with about 4,000 Australians (many of them young people) it presents the evidence that for an Australian child to truly thrive, they must have their needs met in six key interlocking dimensions: Being Loved and Safe; Having Material Basics; Being Healthy; Learning; Participating; and Having a Positive Sense of Identity & Culture.
While the first five are relatively easily understood and measured, many policy makers and practitioners struggle to quantify the impact of culture and identity on the wellbeing of young people. Many have therefore found it difficult to design systems to maximise these positive impacts.
Building on the work of The Nest, ARACY has now developed a conceptual framework that outlines the areas that can be measured and on which data can be collected. We have also identified principles for developing indicators of children and young people’s sense of identity and culture.
The feasibility of collecting the relevant data and information to measure these indicators is an important consideration. Our analysis also suggests questions which can help guide this work. Equally it is important to identify data gaps.
The report, A Positive Sense of Identity and Culture, has been prepared by ARACY for the Australian Government Department of Social Services. It is accompanied by three Practice Papers