ARACY 2025/26 Budget Submission

At ARACY, we believe every child and young person in Australia deserves the opportunity to thrive. Our 2025–26 Budget submission to Federal Treasury highlights key priorities informed by the voices of over 10,000 young Australians, as captured in our Young and Wise report. This ground breaking report distils insights from 117 child and youth consultation […]

ARACY Submission to Free TAFE Bill 2024

Fee-Free TAFE is a vital initiative that helps reduce inequities in employment, income, and overall wellbeing. Beyond economic benefits, accessible tertiary education plays a key role as a social determinant of health, with intergenerational impacts. TAFE, in particular, provides crucial opportunities for rural and remote students, as well as First Nations students. While Fee-Free TAFE […]

Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index

UNICEF Australia and ARACY are working to understand what it takes to make Australia an even better place for children to grow up in. Together in 2021 they developed the Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index to provide a picture of how children are faring across all aspects of wellbeing and how that is changing over time. The wellbeing of Australia’s children […]