This report card provides a set of baseline indicators for each Key Result Area (KRA) – indicators that are strongly guided by the realities of ‘what wellbeing looks like’ for children and youth. The indicators provide a point-in-time snapshot of child and youth wellbeing in Australia, including how Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander young people are faring.

By looking at where we are, using a set of consistent indicators, it is envisaged that unified approaches can be taken to ‘turn the curve’ to improve child and youth wellbeing. Subsequently, these indicators can be used to track and measure the progress of our actions over time. A common framework, with common measures and indicators, is one step for all levels of the community to work cohesively and
with a common purpose to continue to improve the health and wellbeing of all children and youth.

This, the second, Report Card builds on the first, in that it not only includes these parameters, but most importantly, reflects what young people and families say is important to them in improving child and youth wellbeing. It focuses on the outcomes we want from each of the KRAs, and is based on evidence gained from The Nest expert consultations and The Nest Summit (Phase 1), together with the views of
young people and families themselves.