Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society
The rapidly evolving digital landscape presents unique challenges and opportunities for children’s andyoung people’s development. This submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society emphasises the necessity of incorporating a human rights lens in legislative changes, fostering genuine partnerships with diverse stakeholders, and enhancing digital literacy to safeguard young minds. We […]
Submission on Draft National Guidelines for including mental health and wellbeing in early childhood health checks
This is ARACY’s submission on Draft National Guidelines for including mental health and wellbeing in early childhood health checks. Overall, ARACY supports the guidelines and commends the National Mental Health Commission for responding to the outcomes of earlier consultations. In particular, ARACY is pleased to see the scope of the guidelines has broadened from mental […]
Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report: A path to universal ECEC
This is ARACY’s submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report: A path to universal ECEC ARACY advocates for smart ECEC funding—better pay, incentives in needy areas, andsupport for vulnerable kids—to secure a thriving future. Strategic investment in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is essential for national wellbeing,emphasizing improved pay and conditions to boost availability. […]