What We Do

It Takes a Tasmanian Village

The Tasmanian Government has utilised ‘The Nest’ for its own Child and Youth Wellbeing Framework.

The Tasmanian Department of Education, Children and Young People released its Wellbeing for Learning – Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy, which provides a shared goal, wellbeing domain definitions, focus areas and priorities for the Department. The first annual report of the implementation of the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy was released in November 2022, along with the first data snap shot, focussing on the first 1,000 days.

The Nest provides common language around wellbeing categories to think, talk and collaborate for wellbeing, outcomes, and how we might measure progress. Strategic wellbeing policy priorities continue to evolve our approach to furthering wellbeing for children and young people in Tasmania over the remaining three years of the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan.

Learn more:

It takes a Tasmanian village’ – Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.



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