What We Do

Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) is leading the way in transforming how we care for our kids by embracing a holistic, data-driven approach to wellbeing. Using The Nest framework, CHQ is pioneering innovative solutions that support children and families across the entire state.

Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CHQ) is using The Nest to guide its Population Health approach.

As a statewide paediatric health service, CHQ is dedicated to promoting positive health and wellbeing, and intervening early and holistically where children and young people need support.

CHQ has embedded The Nest as the foundational framework guiding its Population Health Planning approach which is supported by an innovative data dashboard that brings together data sets across The Nest domains at a local community level throughout the state. This dashboard creates a powerful and holistic understanding of children and young people’s needs at a local, regional and statewide level in Queensland which helps to inform policy, commissioning and planning decisions.

The Nest - Queensland Government's Children's Health and Wellbeing Services Plan 2018–2028
The Nest - Queensland Government's Children's Health and Wellbeing Services Plan 2018–2028

“One of the most significant developments in health over the past three decades has been the increasing recognition of the need to broaden the response to health issues to include a more holistic approach to care”

CHQ is also applying The Nest framework in its prevention and early intervention work, and is creatively looking at new ways to partner with other organisations and community to support kids’ health and wellbeing needs, as well as supporting the social and environmental determinants that influence them. An example of this work is the Yarrabilba Family & Community Place where CHQ has created an integrated child and family hub that supports children and their family across The Nest domains.

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