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Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index

What makes Australia a great place to grow up?

UNICEF Australia and ARACY are collaborating to explore what it takes to make Australia an even better place for children to grow up. In 2021, they jointly developed the Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index to capture a comprehensive view of how children are doing across all areas of wellbeing and how these are evolving over time.

Children’s wellbeing in Australia is measured and tracked across the six interconnected domains of The Nest – Australia’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Framework. These domains include being valued, loved, and safe; being healthy; learning; having their basic material needs met; developing a positive sense of identity; and participating in decisions that affect them. To complement the Children’s Wellbeing Index, UNICEF Australia and ARACY will develop a series of papers focusing on each of the domains.

Download the Australian Children’s Wellbeing Index


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